Monday, November 14, 2011

Being Thankful

During this time of the year we are reminded to be thankful.  I want to work really hard at being more thankful every day of the year.  One of my co-workers reminded me that if you have a home to go to with  people that you love there, you should be grateful.  Thank you, Ms. Matthews-very true words!  Sometimes it is easy to get caught up in the day to day routine of DC traffic, school, errands, keeping up with Nya and my other two kids-Kwesi and Chuchu(smile), etc.  I have to keep reminding myself that all of those things are blessings.  Traffic is frustrating but at least I am in traffic because I am going to work.  School can be exhausting but thank goodness I have a job that I really enjoy and helps support my family.  Nya, Kwesi, and Chuchu are very needy, but I am sooooooo thankful for my family.  The good times we share are truly a blessing.  I vow to show each of them how special they are to me each day.  There is a blessing and a positive in everything and I plan to work hard to stay focused on those blessings.  Stay blessed!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Thats so true and so wonderfully written. Love you all!
