Monday, November 28, 2011

A Sweet Little Nugget from Nya...

Last night, Nya and I reviewed "The Happy Way is to Obey" chart from her school.  We discussed the importance of listening to and obeying our parents, teachers, and God.  Nya was very excited about getting her chart filled in so that she can turn it in for a special treat.  Anyone who knows Nya knows that listening is a challenge for her.  So I was excited about her enthusiasm as well.  She went to bed without much drama and about a half hour later, I went in to check on her.  I thought she was sleeping and was about to leave the room when she called out to tell me that she loved me.  I told her that I loved her too.  To that she responded with, "Mama, when I don't listen, it breaks my heart."  I was so surprised to hear her say that...!

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