Monday, November 14, 2011

"Fallen leaves lying on the grass in the November sun bring more happiness than the daffodils”-Cyril Connolly, Engish writer

The leaves are so pretty during this time of the year!  Over the past weekend, Nya and I enjoyed raking some of them.  We didn't make much progress but we had tons of fun!  My girl was determined to jump in the leaf piles.  At first, I told her no, because I was thinking that it would be too dirty and germy, but then I told myself to stop acting crazy and let her experience being a kid!  That's why we take baths!  Nya had a great time.  The weather was perfect this weekend so we had lots of fun outside time.  If the weather could remain this way, it would be amazing.  However, I have the feeling that we have some rough weather ahead of us in the not too distant future, but I love the snow, too!

Nya was so proud of one of our leaf piles!
Chuchu was loving it out there, too!

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