Thursday, October 13, 2011

A Nya Nugget

I am always telling people that my baby girl Nya is one piece of work.  She often says things that really catch me off guard.  I am usually pretty startled or even mad at first, but when I think about these episodes later, they usually make me giggle.  Yesterday, for example, we were driving in the car on our way to school/work.  We usually listen to the classical music station WETA, 90.9, because I enjoy knowing that I can keep one thing calm in the morning and that's the music.  Well we were riding along quietly and then I began to feel guilty that we weren't having a conversation.  So I tried to start one up.  Me:  Hey Naybird!  What are you thinking about?  What do you see this morning?  Nya:  Mom-Why are you talking to me?  I'm trying to BELAX (relax)! 

aaaaahhhhh...My Nya Nugget of the day...

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